Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Laughing gas in Brighton

what an interesting weekend....

Saturday was a great day, i spent most of the day here not doing work, then had a really good evening with dan and andy in the house and then on to the terminal for hana's birthday and then.... convinced myself to go to Jesters.

For those of you who dont know, Jesters was voted the 2nd worst nightclub in the country (although the winner has now closed apparently) and every few months or so, i convince myself that going down there will be a good idea. i generally have a crap time, being surrounded by a heaving crowd of drunk students, unable to dance for flailing elbows and slipping in puddles of stale booze and (if you're lucky) vomit. i make it home swearing that i'll never go again, and then it takes me a few months to forget my oath and the whole process starts again.

Sunday... it was the christmas do for the bar i worked in until recently (bartenders have to celebrate christmas in january cos we're busy helping everyone else celebrate it in december ;-)) which consisted of : going to brighton, chilling during the day, on to Audio on the seafront for free booze all night and then to a free hotel to sleep it all off. flipping brilliant. i got introduced to the wonder that is laughing gas for recreational purposes in Audio - its quite a funny feeling actually - uncontrollable giggling with a tingly face for about thirty seconds, then back to normal. great fun! (and all legal - where has this been all my life?!!)

shame though - even though the company had put us up in a very chic hotel for the night, comfy beds, fluffy pillows and all that, i didnt sleep all that well due to red bull-induced nightmares. i must stop drinking things that kill me...

got back here monday afternoon, very tired and feeling fairly rough - needing to write about 2000 words for tuesday lunchtime. (by the way, its now after midnight and ive written less than 1000). and joy of joys, i've just found out that i wrote the wrong date in my diary and it was actually due in lunchtime today. oh dear. still, at least i can sleep now - i've already got a days penalty, which means i dont have to hand it in till 4pm tomorrow. which is why im blogging. it all makes sense in my head somewhere.

tara for now, send psychological thoughts my way



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