Saturday, January 14, 2006

everything's working!

ok, picture this: you have a 4000 word lit review to complete in 7 days. you havent started writing it. your research is shaky at best. you know you have to start working intensely hard very soon.

You sit down at your computer in the morning, ready to start work and suddenly everything goes to hell on the screen. congratulations Mr Whittaker, you have a worm! yay!!!!!

Not what i needed.

Fortunately computer-smashing urges were avoided, and i turned the bloody thing off and fled to the library, spending the next 2 days reading the research papers and hand-writing a plan. And then, this morning the Lord sent the answer to the frustrated, why-would-you-do-this-to-me-now prayers: in the form of Ian (who has henceforth earned the title of the greatest genius who has ever lived). after about 4 hours of doing clever things he cured my computer and - praise God! - i can work on my dissertation again!

in fact, to be totally honest, the work i got done in the library was really useful and may not have been so productive had i stuck here and tried to do it. maybe this is a case of - *gulp* dare i say it - God knowing better than me?

how long is it gonna take me to learn this lesson?

Anyway, God is good, my computer is fixed and i have a lot of words to write.

where's the coffee?

God Bless



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