Wednesday, August 23, 2006

And the sun goes down...

Ibiza Sunset

Without any doubt, this is one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen. Unfortunately the pics here aren't mine - i only had my camera phone, and the resolution isn't amazing, so these are from google images. but, rest assured, this isn't one of those situations where professionally taken pics make it look more beautiful than it actually is...

The cafés have speakers pointing out onto the beach in front of them, and each one plays its' own unique blend of chillout, perfectly tailored to make the mood perfect. Last night was my first one, and i decided to choose my own soundtrack, so i walked a little bit down from the cafés and stuck on my iPod. Café Del Mar '98 by Energy 52 seemed like the appropriate choice, since that tune was more or less written for the view I was about to witness, and it worked perfectly - a very intense and unusually fast tempo for a chillout track, but something made it suit the sun's descent - You would be surprised how fast it goes down, once it gets to within a few cm of the horizon (alright maths geeks! don't you lot start!), ten minutes later it's gone...

I took advantage of this opportunity to thank God and worship Him for the sheer beauty he has placed all around us - I can't describe quite how awesome this experience was (and, for the record, I mean awesome in the original sense of the word, not awesome like a hot-dog).

As I stood there and the sun reached the halfway point, making a perfect semi-circle on the horizon, I felt a little choked up, and shed a few tears, partly of joy, partly of worship and partly because I couldn't really find any other way to express myself - and I know it's a little bit 'faux deep', but this quote came into my head: "Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in", and it felt like it was the least i could do to squeeze a few tears out to thank God for it all

Then the best (and also, worst) bit:

The last sliver of light disappears. Everyone there (and that's a lot of people) bursts into applause. The concept of this taking place is a fantastic thing, but in reality it all seemed a little unspontaneous - I had known that it happened every night long before I came out here. However, despite the fact that it was more due to peer pressure than anything else for most people, some small part of it still felt special. I imagined, as people whooped and cheered, what had been the motivation for the first person who ever applauded. I like to think that it had been totally involuntary, the same as my tears, someone searching for a way to use their body to celebrate the indescribable beauty they were witnessing.

That's why I applauded.

Thank you God.



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