Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I suppose it's time I blogged...

My life has developed a nasty habit of happening... If I'm not careful, it will have all happened before i get round to doing anything i want to do...

I'm not talking about all of those lists people create of "things i must do before i die" - granted they would be cool, but not exactly what I'm driving at...

5 weeks ago was Transmission, the weekend of training for the 24-7 team I'm going on to Ibiza on Saturday... I came away from it on a huge high, having spent some amazing time with God personally, as well as receiving some awesome teaching... and I spent about a week continuing to live in the type of relationship with God that I've always wanted. well notentirely - i didn't raise the dead or anything, but a lot better, that's the point... i was praying regularly, hearing from God back, and reading my bible regularly too... But it all slipped away after a week or so.

And since then, the phrase that has continually popped up in my head (in one guise or another) is "I'll sort out my relationship with God tomorrow" - And I can confirm, by nearly 23 years' personal experience, that tommorrow never comes.

So here. Now.

Time to start sorting things in my head out. Time to get my prayer and Bible study routines sorted. Today. Because, after roughly 30 tomorrows, a month has left me feeling a bit distant from Him.




At 11:02 pm, Blogger annaswaiting said...

Lord, I pray you would reveal your love to Chris. Reveal to him that though he is ever (as we all are ever) dark, you call him lovely. Jesus reveal your intense desire to be with him. You just want to be with him. Draw him Lord with the desire and longing that goes beyond guilt and condemnation, to the breaking heart yearning of desire to be close to you, and the revelation that flows from knowing that you just want to be with Him.

He loves you Chris... sorry that was on my heart, not a comment, just a prayer. Miss you mate, write soon. Love, Shannon

At 11:25 pm, Blogger Claire said...



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