Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Done Done Done!

It's freakin finished!

I have successfully handed in my literature review! 50% of my dissertation is out of the way! God came thru - prayers were answered - what was i even stressed about??

even got it in 22 hours early. smugness.

right. I'm going to be good. i'm going to avoid all temptation to revise, and get down to some hardcore procrastintion.

revision starts tomorow - i need a break. in fact i need my bed. does anyone know if you have to get no sleep at all for it to qualify as insomnia - i'm averaging 2-3 hours sleep a night, with about 7 hours spent in bed... thats not healthy, right? hopefully it was the pressure of the essay, and i'll sleep ok now its handed in - i'm going to conduct some research right now in fact.




At 10:11 am, Blogger Alasdair said...

Hey Chris - Just checking in and saying hello and getting you some comments! Hope all is well and the south coast is as sunny as edinburhg is today


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