Saturday, January 21, 2006

coming back to the heart of worship...

Isn't God awesome?

you can almost totally ignore Him for over a month, and His grace extends so far as to let you pick up where you left off.

not that this is always the case, but today it is so.

after the diss got in on Wed, i decided it was time to turn over a new leaf. or pick an old one back up. re-starting the spiritual disciplines i had picked up last term, only to drop when i went home for the holidays...

So yesterday i did my daily readings, and gave God a decent amount of time in prayer. so far so good today - still need to pray, but the usual time is before bed so im still on track.

God, in His awesome grace, mercy and power touched my heart in so many ways this evening i literally lost count. Renewed passion for worship, renewed passion for the lost, renewed passion for justice (BIGTIME on this one - Amos 5:21-24), renewed understanding of "giving everything to God" and also renewed way in which i approach things. managed to surrender my hot-headedness in favour of biting my tongue and praying. twice. in one evening. (is that a new record?)

Anyway, the point is this; God is so awesome its beyond contemplation - i'm trying to come up with some way to describe how im feeling right now as a result of what hes done over the last 6 hours and im drawing a blank.

night night.



At 1:58 pm, Blogger Nome said...

Wow! Your passion just completely blows me away!

I love the deepness that God gives you, and with every word you write i feel just some of that love.


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