Monday, April 10, 2006

Further Deep Musings...

I finished Nick Hornby's book in like 3 days - i love doing that, makes me feel so clever (Don't tell anyone its only 243 pages!) and looked to the family fiction bookcase to see what i could see...

Picked up the complete Hitchhiker's collection - all 6 books in one volume and felt excited. So far I had only made it about halfway through the first book... Douglas Adams is hard work if you're not in the mood! Anyway i got stuck in again... and so far i have reached the same point. its actually pretty funny, and the short chapters give me a real sense of achievement ;-)


I was sitting in church last night and realised why i've been feeling pretty crap recently - don't worry, this post isnt going to turn into a heavily depressing soul-search... But here's the thing; I've lost touch with God. I was wondering why i find it so hard to hear God's voice at the moment, and what came to me was exactly the same feeling as when you catch up with an old friend who you havent seen for years, and you have no idea where they're coming from when they tell you about some incident that just happend to them.

Logic dictates that the thing i need to do is sort out my Quiet Times - well, of course. but the reason these have been so thin on the ground recently is partly because of this feeling - almost like i dont know where to begin because i've all but forgotten who God is.

SO, Hitchhiker's is scrapped. Sorry Douglas, another time. My reading list will now consist of Christian books - because i need more spiritual input in my life, and the book i'm reading seems to be a good place to start.

Of course, quiet times (particularly praying) need to be re-established too, don't worry, i'm not expecting a few pages of Philip Yancey to renew my relationship with God. But it can't hurt.

So like yeah... I think I'll start with Wild at Heart, one of my many half-finished Christian books.


P.S. Joe and Chix, although i was officially a convert at the last 57 Party, I'm now listening at home ;-) Jellybass yeah!


At 10:41 pm, Blogger annaswaiting said...



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