Friday, April 07, 2006


ManFlu subsiding, dry cough type-thing remains. better. not all there, but better.

I've just watched Supersize Me, a movie by Morgan Spurlock who decides to eat nothing but MacDonald's for 30 days, and see what it does to his health. the results are terrifying. I've seen this movie before, and i remember it having the same effect on me then: i feel so unhealthy.

I actually don't really eat MacDonald's - I'm a real fan of *proper* food - sure, my housemates call me a food snob (not nearly as snobby as my alcohol tastes, i assure you!) - but i try to get my 5 portions, avoid e numbers, would rather drink juice than coke etc, but still - there's something about watching people live in extremes that wakes you up to the little things you need to do in your life...

need to go back to the gym
need to swim occasionally
need to buy a bike next time i have money
need to eat less crap
need to eat more veg

now, if it were only new year's day toady, i could make these resolutions now ;-)


At 10:54 pm, Blogger annaswaiting said...

hey, thats a really cool new word you've made up... "toady"... like "toad-ie" i like it. speaking of funny words, we were driving to illinois this weekend and we passed a town called "effingham"... isn't that hilarious... just say it out loud and you'll know what i mean. i think it would be funnier to a proper brit seeing as you guys are into those names, you know "birmingham", "nottingham"... etc. etc.

okay well. yeah, even though you never write me and are crap at blogging... i hope you're feeling better anyway! :) love ya. shanay

At 12:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hellooo big bro! glad to hear you're feeling a bit better, and deciding to eat healthy (better than me, south africans looove their red meat!). lovin the blog, wish i had time to regularly fill one in.. just finished camp, a few kids made commitments 2 the Lord (yipieee), went swimming with snakes (by accident) and plannin trips to queenstown, stutterheim and cape town. ah, the relaxing life of a trendsetter...
hels bells n buckets of snakes


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