Friday, June 16, 2006

Late-night Library, Carlton Room-Temperature and The Fun Lovin' Criminals

*ahem* so, yeah, it's been a while, sorry....

the last 6 weeks have been - memorable.
I'll work my way through them...

First two weeks - Coursework deadlines. Thats all.

Next three weeks - Study leave and Exams. and I have to say, they weren't too bad... the late night library opening hours over the exams period were really useful - the place totally changes at midnight... I remember Roald Dahl talking about the witching hour in the BFG, when everything becomes silent and that's the time for magical things to happen... Well, I now have experienced this - at midnight in the library, people finally stop chatting to each other and a magical thing happens - I get work done!

The last week has been celebrations week. Here I am, on Friday morning totally frazzled after 8 days of almost non-stop parties, clubs and BBQs. Man, its a hard life. :-)

Some highlights and musings:

Jesters to celebrate the end of exams (wed)... always a dangerous combo! in fact, Jesters seems to be a dangerous combo with anything...

Skipping out on the Psychology social (thurs) which was taking me BACK to Jesters, and fleeing to the Wonder Years in Rhino Club. Cheese of a different nature - actual good music, but still popular and well-loved by all - Jesters, Cube, Academy - take note! Brief aside: Can Carlton Cold still be called by its name if the bar staff serve it at room temperature? If I'm paying extortionate prices, I don't expect false advertising - Maybe Carlton Warm or Carlton Room Temparature would suffice. ;-) reminds me of the wisdom of Strong Bad: clicky

Cube was crap on fri. shock horror.

Saturday saw the last ever 57 party at Graham and Joe's - This is what summer parties should be - 2pm for football on a big projector (not a great game, but hey, we won!) 4pm for BBQ and later than that for houseparty :-) it would seem my homemade burgers went down well.... I'm ashamed to say I bailed a bit early (1am) before the party properly kicked off, I think the last 3 nights were catching up with me!

Skip over a few minor nights out to..... Wednesday: Grad Ball #1. Twas a good night. After a VIP reception (I know, I know!) we headed on up to the main room to hear the band, Fun Lovin' Criminals - not a bad set... I only caught about half of it, but was fairly impressed :-) Fearne Cotton (generic attractive celeb DJ) was ok too, at least she knew her audience i suppose - somewhat reminiscent of the playlist in Jesters though!

And now here's the icing on an all-round awesome week. Grad Ball #2, last night. Had told myself i would catch the FLC's set properly, right at the front... SO glad I did! the set was ten times better than wednesdays, and so was the audience for that matter! Huey (frontman) dedicated a song to me! I think it was something to do with the fact that i was head and shoulders above most of the rest of the people i was with, and my newly-bleached hair is a bit luminous! Needless to say, i was officially chuffed! and i made a lot of people jealous ;-) the girls think he's pretty fit, it would seem. My pal Rachel threw her bra at Huey during Scooby Snacks. *ahem*. Edith Bowman comes on after the end of the set and proceeds to play a few good tunes mixed in with the queso...

So just when im thinking my night can't get any better, Phil the Webb hooks me up with an AAA pass. So we go backstage and chill out with the Fun Lovin Criminals. Huey makes a good Margarita (the sign of a good person ;-)). I dont think i need to say much more, i can just lean back and bask in my own coolness. hehe. seriously, it was a little surreal, but certainly a night for the scrapbook.

Till next time,



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