Thursday, April 13, 2006


I've come to a shocking realisation.

I REALLY dislike holidays. Not going abroad and all that, i love to travel. But this obscenely long month-out-of-my-life. I havent experienced one properly for some years now, as I've always jumped right into full-time bar work. But without that option any more, I've been left to my own devices. And I'm bored out of my skull. And my daily routines are shot to pieces - prayer, eating, exercise, work.

I'm sure taking time out is important, but a month for easter?

And now an even scarier prospect looms: Am i actually looking forward to being in full-time work?

Hell yes.

hmm that wasnt scary at all ;-)



At 11:46 am, Blogger graham said...

alright man,
thanks for the encouragment, hope the quiet times are getting easier, doin ur survey thing has helped me :)


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