Friday, April 14, 2006

Western Lowland Gorilla

This is one of my favourite useless facts ever. As you should know, all species of animal have a latin name, otherwise known as a proper name, i think.

I was musing about gorillas (as one does) and decided to see what google could teach me.

The Western Lowland Gorilla's latin name is...

wait for it....

Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla!

oh yes. It's a few months after i first made that discovery, and im still chuckling.

dont believe me eh? ok, here's a link to prove it. clicky

everyone always raves about the Romans, and yet, they clearly put no effort into naming gorillas. teehee.

By the way. I dont get many comments on here by the looks of things, and yet many people tell me that they read my blog (disconfirming my fears that actually im writing to noone!) - if youre reading this, please comment - to tell me what you think about gorillas. THIS MEANS YOU!


At 7:51 pm, Blogger Random_Clare said...

that gorilla thing is hilarious!!!
hope ur ok!

At 8:52 pm, Blogger annaswaiting said...

that coming from the #1 non-commenter...

that's one ripped gorilla...

there, that's my comment. :P

just joshin', just joshin'!



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