Sunday, January 14, 2007

Blessed Be Your Name

A much-overused song in recent years... I get the feeling that the worship leaders in our church were starting to feel that it had got a little tired due to this overuse, and we haven't used it very much at all over the last year...

But we did today. And it opened up to a whole new level for me. I've always understood what Matt Redman meant by the 'road marked with suffering' and 'pain in the offering' lines, but it's not really meant anything deep to me when i've sung it bofore - it was always something of a promise to God that, if I was in a hard place, I would still worship Him.

As you can see from my past posts, my life isn't exactly great at the moment. spiritually, physically, relationally, sometimes it feels as though all the good stuff is crumbling around me. A lot of that is probably in my head. Or maybe it isn't. Still, the point is, it's hard to find good stuff sometimes. And sometiems when I think I've found something good, it goes away as fast as it arrives.

So why am i just doing more feel-sorry-for-myself ramblings? When I saw the words to this song up on the wall today, i had to think. I had to very deliberately say (in my head) God, I'm going to worship You now.

And there was pain in the offering. lots. I had tears in my eyes as a was declaring that God was good even though my life feels so shit, But it's the truth. Or what I've decided to believe as truth, at least.

I continue to look for a light at the end of the tunnel.


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