Thursday, January 26, 2006


Against my better judgement, i decided to sack the revision this afternoon and head home from the library for the afternoon prayer meeting that we host at my house. SO glad i did. God's presence was totally awesome for several hours. Mike and I especially were totally struck down and whilst i spent most of the time in tears, he couldn't stop laughing. must have been a weird scene to walk in on...

Anyway, God spoke some stuff to me today. I've found it hard recently to put into words how i'm feeling, so God gave me a picture in my head which i tried to recreate on the whiteboard (posted below). maybe this can help you understand where i've been for the last 9 months. trying to walk, whilst dragging enormous stone blocks behind me of stuff like what i want to do with my life (my will), the stuff i struggle with in my life (my sin) and the things that worry, upset and scare me (my cares). After i drew this up on the board, i looked at it and saw myself and cried. "no wonder i feeling under pressure" i thought - and it really feels to me like the picture shows it - the scale of the blocks compared with me...

When i had let out a lot of built-up emotion, God spoke this to me - "Child, my yoke is easy and my burden is light". I know these words to be true, they're in Matthew, i've read them dozens of times. But, as one of my favourite film quotations goes:

"There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path...."

As i let the words sink in, i broke, again, and found tears streaming down my face, again. out of thankfulness to God for showing me the far easier way. out of sorrow for my stupidity and inability to trust God with those big stone blocks. out of the feeling of relief of having those reins taken off.

Thought for the Day: Don't carry your own blocks. Leave them at the cross. "They that hope in the Lord shall soar on wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, and walk and not be faint." and they shan't drag big chuffin' blocks neither.


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