Thursday, June 22, 2006

Its a Deep One Today...

Ahh, Gordon Ramsay's back on the telly... And this time he's got even more poor members of the public to yell at! From the look of the 'coming next week' clip at the end, someone tries to yell back at him next week - i can't wait to see how much of a mistake that'll be!

I'm gonna miss having a TV...

Who am i kidding? apart from cooking shows, i'm not gonna miss it at all!

On to more interesting things - I was at a City Prayer evening today, and Debra Green was down to talk to us about city-changing prayer - a subject which i could hear her talk about for weeks on end! That woman certainly knows God's voice as far as cities are concerned! As far as a lot of things are concerned, come to that... Everyone there came away with a lot about how to pray for our city, most of all, Vision, Unity & Positive Focus (which i'll come to later...)

Debra Asked if she could pray for me at the end, and she said she felt God say 2 things: 1) a picture of carpenter's tools - that i would be involved in building (literally!) something - something multi-storey - for God... and 2) that i should meditate on John 15 lots.

2) makes sense, 1) doesnt make so much sense... but we'll see...

so, positive focus... I'm wondering if what i'm about to say is controversial...

When Debra talked about this, it brought back to my mind something i've been thinking about a fair amount recently...

Why do many of us pray against stuff?

I don't understand the point. We read the Bible using Jesus as a lens, in other words, we are looking for the love and grace in every story we read in the bible, as well as every situation we encounter in life... Many times when i have been praying for many different reasons, i find myself praying against something. Now, I dont think that it's wrong per se (except praying against another person, but that's a different story), but i'm talking about praying against the enemy, or an illness, or whatever... I have found myself talking to illnesses and injuries, telling them to be healed. Here's where i hit a problem, Jesus did talk to deamons, and cast them out.

But here's what i've been mulling over: I think it's fairly well accepted that anger breeds anger, hate breeds hate and so on... well then, by reasoning love should breed love. So I can hate the devil, and the stuff he does, but if i talk to him in an angry way, or even talk to God about him in an angry way, is it possible that I'm allowing the love that God is trying to grow in me to be compromised?

I'm wondering if what i've said is making any sense... I'll try and give an example:

Instead of "less illness", "more healing"... instead of "less curse", "more blessing"...

I'm aware that this seems like a case of semantics and all i'm doing is playing with antonyms, but I'm worried that things I say maybe run deeper... Because with God's grace in my life, im convinced that (no matter how hard it may be sometimes) I can always find the positive, and especially always pray in the positive... So I'm gonna give it a shot... and also see if I can clear up my thoughts on the matter, especially regarding Jesus' example of instructing deamons etc...

I'd really appreciate comments on this; your thoughts, disagreements and any Bible references you think may be relevent!! This means you! I want comments - Dad, I know you read this on the quiet so no excuses now!

hehe God bless guys



At 12:11 pm, Blogger Claire said...

Hehehe hey Chris! I never thought to give you my blog! i am on livejournal as well but yeah i think youl find this one the most interesting....i am SO glad your on here too! Sorry didnt make city prayer, was KNACKERED and at the mo have been just been making myself available to pray and worship with people one to one cos thats where my heart is as well as city stuff. You think oyu can come sunday night btw? Its gonna go weekly and God has got a MASSIVE hand on it, I am so stoked bout it and would LOVE you to be a part of it.

As for this entry, WOOOT! for postiive prayer! i completely agree bout the need for us to stop focusing on the bad and the ugly and start proclaiming the good! :)

Look forward to reading more of this and catching up properly soon x

At 8:23 pm, Blogger annaswaiting said...

heya! thanks for commenting on my blog... F-I-N-A-L-L-Y!!!!!!!! no really, good to hear from you. some thoughts from your entry. yeah, i get what you're saying. so many times i focus on speaking to the Lord more than the enemy, demons, etc. there definitly is a time and place that the spirit leads me to address those things and with the authority of Jesus to stop/rebuke them in the spirit. i've heard people pray in prayer mtgs. before totally addressing satan the whole time. this ticks me off, cause he likes the attention and it gives God no glory. i think when we stay in the pocket of God's heart, we're able to pray with more authority when addressing the darkness as well as we're able to hit on target with more clarity what we should be praying for and how. almost as if, something within us just rises and its an intercession we don't even think about, but that our spirit's taken over. just some thoughts. sometimes its hard though. confusion and disillusionment over the darkness we see in the world, can be hard to understand and confusion can abound. when in doubt, look up... (or) stay positive!!! hehe! love ya mate. need to chat soon. later, shannon


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