Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Everything is new...

So it's something of a transitional period for me right now...

Started my new job on monday, this week is handover week and then i'm on my own as of next monday! So far I'm drowning in a sea of new names and TLA's (three-letter abbreviations - thanks dad!) It's all quite a lot to take in. But come monday, the I'd-like-you-to-meets and here's-a-powerpoint-of-my-job-descriptions should come to an end and i'll be getting down to the nitty gritty. After 2 weeks of training ;-)

that all sounded a bit negative didn't it? actually im loving all this, i think it's just cos im tired - 9 to 5 is hard to get used to when i've had 3 1/2 years not doing it! I'm having to become un-nocturnal again...

And at the end of this week, i'm moving into my new flat - which should be amazing! not least because it's been a bit lonely in my house all by myself, but also cos it's newly refurbed and generally pretty cool :-) So i have to spend the next few nights putting things in boxes. Which all feels somwehat pointless because my new flat is a grand old distance of 20 metres across the road from my current house! ah well, at least i'll get good exercise dodging burgess road traffic with arms full of stuff!

And, last of all, irritatingly, my home network has gone down. So no t'internet for me. which is why my blogger/messenger presence hasn't been fantastic :-(

till next time,



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