Tuesday, January 16, 2007


So, as things start to feel even worse (Man, this whingey blog-style must be boring you - it's boring me!) I'm getting nearer and nearer to this point of desperation that was spoken over me. For those of you who i haven't spoken to about that, Joy (a prophet in our church) told me this a while ago:

"God wants you to be desperate for Him. It may well be that the reason that you're finding it hard to hear from Him is that He wants you to want Him more - to be in a place of desperate longing for His presence."

Those words felt more comforting than any words of comfort that have been offered to me about this situation. I don't know why, because, if you read between the lines it says this:

"If it's not over, it's probably going to get worse"

But nonetheless, it felt comforting. And I have a feeling that's because it's what God was saying.

So things have got worse since the last post. I've been quite badly hurt by someone who I trusted very deeply. And it's left me desperate, deep in my heart. for something. I'm sure that it is God that i am desperate for deep down, but I'm still struggling to put 2 and 2 together in my head.

But some very good friends have been praying for me, and offered me 2 things - i, a word from God about the situation, and also Psalm 42. I've spent quite a bit of time in there recently... but it was good to be offered it as an encouragement.... particularly:

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

Please let this be the light at the end.



At 11:30 pm, Blogger Brian said...

ever thought of fasting?


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