Friday, March 09, 2007

..."I am doing a new thing"

Seven weeks.

There's not really any way I can write down what's gone on in my life since my last blog. To be honest, if I could... well, suffice to say a lot of it is just for me and God.

What I will say is this: It was the light at the end of the tunnel. Eventually, God brought me out of the desert, but he did it through the fire - now I'm in a place where I can hear his voice again, he's waking up passions I had long-since forgotten, exciting new passions I hadn't ever imagined I would have, teaching me to pray 'like a dying man' and, most of all, making me so, so hungry.

There are about half a dozen people who I really need to express something to - over the last 2 months, spiritually the hardest of my life so far, you have stood by me in prayer all the way. You know who you are. I quite literally could not have made it to this place without your support. You've taught me the meaning of love, dedication and friendship, and I hope that someday I can be there for you when you need it, offering even half of what you've done for me.

So I feel more or less back on track - it feels like it's time to start blogging my life again!

God's asked me to keep my future fully open to Him... so, when I finish this job in just under 4 months, I have more or less no plans. No job, nowhere to live, not even a home town (folks are moving away from Cambridge). And, once the fear had subsided, I realised how comfortable I am in this situation - Me, the perpetual plan-maker... happy that the plan is 'no plan'. I think it's due to the excitement of what God may do...

Last of all... I've felt Him ask me a question recently. It's been asked to quite a few people, most significantly to one of my heroes of the faith. He doesn't want an immediate reply it would seem, I think He wants me to think about it:

Hoe feci pro te; quid facis pro me?

I'll let you know the answer when I find out what it is.


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