Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Facebook has blog-napped me!

Sorry to all the avid fans of my blog... (there are probably none of you left by now!) but facebook stole me! Darn it, it's just so easy to use!

But anyway, I think I'll re-make my original New Year's resolution - do the blog thing!

The last 6 months have made my life really different... It's such a massive change going from student-hood to working life - and not just in the obvious areas, like regularly getting up early - but practically everything. Although I knew it'd be different, I honestly didn't expect that going from being a student to working in the Students' Union would be such a difference. A lot of it's been really hard... getting used to a routine in my spiritual life (as you can see from my recent posts), getting used to having some real responsibility, learning to balance the things I want to do, the things I'm expected to do, and the things I want to do and most of all having to work out how to say no to things that people ask me to do sometimes...

Having said that, I adore the job. People told me when I started: "Don't expect to see big results - If the work you do makes a change, chances are it won't happen for several years." But two of the main tasks I set myself at the beginning of the year seem to be happening. believe me, no one is more shocked than I!

Course Rep numbers are up from 180 (last year's number) beyond 360 (my uber-optimistic target in october) to over 450 (and still rising)!! So much of it is due to some of the inspiringly good staff members at the Union...

Also, the coursework feedback improvement system that Ben (the president) and I have been working on, and trying to persuade academic staff to adopt in their schools is being adopted in schools! Not all of them, of course, but we keep on being approached by staff - deputy heads, school managers and so on who want to know how they can improve feedback in their own schools! Which makes me very happy.

I tell you what though, I am SO glad of a week off! phew!