Wednesday, March 14, 2007

...Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?

It's interesting... When times are hard, it often becomes (after the initial struggle) so easy to find God, because you often have no choice but to rely on Him, to find comfort in His arms, to cast all your worries and cares upon Him...

But when times get better again?

Therein lies the difficulty.

The last ten days have been SUCH a good time: work went well, I went to my first opera, the sun finally came out, I played my first game for the firsts lacrosse team and I really enjoyed some great friendships - spending time with one friend particularly...

I'm overcome by just how easy it is to forget to thank Him when he does everything you ask for, and more.

But I'm determined to keep my focus on Him. To stay in this place that He's led me into. To find out what these passions are that He's beginning to stir up in my soul. Most of all, to keep Him at number one in my heart.

I was reading the verse 'Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart' (Ps 37) earlier. It's such a famous verse, and I used to love making all it about me. But I was taught a few years ago what it meant... It's much easier to understand in the context of the following verse: 'Commit your way to the Lord; Trust in Him and He will do this.'

The light begins to dawn on what the original verse means - A follows B, not the other way round. When I delight myself in the Lord - love Him, worship Him, commit my life to Him, keep my focus on Him, then He will simeltaneously (sp??) be doing a deep work in my heart.

The 'desires of my heart' will be pretty similar to the desires of His heart. Which will be tied in with His perfect plan for my life.

Which will be pretty darn good.

Right, enough blogging for now.

God bless all.



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