Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Job Opportunity

I need an HTML legend to lend me a few moments of their time... i want to do something clever to the template of my blog (I've nearly got it i think!) Graham, Joe or Dan Chad, I'm looking in your direction - 5 minutes? please?

I'm willing to pay with some form of gourmet cooking, but with the sole proviso that you can't claim credit for the advice you give me...

That way, when you've helped me out, i can delete this post and pass all the clever coding off as my own... ;-)

anyone wanna lend a hand to a computer loser?


Monday, March 20, 2006

bargate... long story!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

trying something

Friday, March 17, 2006

I'm An Internet Nobody.....

Having just read a few friends' blogs, and seen what fun (and dismay) they have encountered by googling themselves, i decided to google myself to see how well known i am on the information superhighway.

34th link on google. Ass. I'm not at all happy with that.

Ahh well, it'll all change when i take up my new job - my aim is for the first page of Google.

On the plus side, i would appear to have a fair few famous namesakes. I dont know why that's a plus. But it is.

On an aside, ive just updated my "This week i have been listening to" links. I need some new albums.

So please please comment - tell me which (fairly new) albums i MUST buy - we're talking can't-live-without-these-sounds kind of music here - bear in mind funds are tight, so only the best suggestions will be considered.


Friday, March 10, 2006


you may remember that, a few posts ago, i expressed my confusion at this whole podcasting lark - what it was, how to do it, and all that jazz...

well i just googled "what is podcasting?" - the first link looks like an explanation. great - i click it and have a read...

the first sentance is "Think how a desktop aggregator works."


I'm glad they put it in layman's terms for me. :-|

to save myself the hassle of posting on here asking for someone to explain what a desktop aggregator is, i backtrack and try the next link. a bit more helpful. so i think i may understand :-) what i think (and hope) it is, is a way of accessing music for no money.

So im off to iTunes to see if i can figure out how this works.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Almost Recovered...

Its a lovely thing about stressful/busy/tiring times - when they finish abruptly, your body breathes a massive sigh of relief, and your immune system goes ker-plunk! since my last blog, i've had massive fatigue, cold symptoms, flu symptoms and an excruciating toothache caused by a tiny little infection in my upper jaw. Praise God for Amoxycillin 250 and Neurofen liquid capsules! :-)

Those aside, ive been having a great time reeling in victory.

I've been helping my buddy Starkie with his breakfast show on our student radio station - that guy's professionalism never caeses to amaze me! He'll have a show on Radio 1 in 5 years, i'll put money on it.

Today, we played a delicious little prank on the lecturers who were on strike outside the library - I went up to one poor unsuspecting staff member, and asked him if I could do an interview live on air - which we did. What the poor guy didn't pick up on was that i had a challenge.

"Chris, your mission is to see how many Busted song titles you can fit into your questions"

I got 8. Without being rumbled. I think i did pretty well ;-) if you wanna hear it, go here and click Hour 2 of Tuesday 7th, and jump forward to about 3/8ths of the way through the hour.



Thursday, March 02, 2006

The moment you've all been waiting for...

Ok, it would seem i'm being pestered to post a blog with the results of the elections...

dear me, it seems like a person can't even be afforded a day of sleep and laziness after 2 weeks of intense campaigning without texts and emails asking how i did...

jokes. I really appreaciate that you guys care!

oh, by the way i won ;-)

yup yup, you are reading the blog of the new vp education and representation elect. which means i have a real grown-up job in 4 months time. i'm still buzzing from results night last night, so it's only just beginning to sink in that i won this... thanks so much for your prayers and support guys!

sooner or later i'm gonna remember that i have a degree to finish, and i'll hit the earth with a bump ;-)

but for now, i'm gonna carry on walking on air - God is so good!

Love, celebratory Guinness and exit polls,